Modeling and Mockups

A design is not only a digital image, but it can be a part of the physical world, a thing you can hold. Models and Mockups are vital for demonstration, education, or promotion.

  • Comfy Camp Club

    Designed an eye-catching logo and design for a product sales tag for outdoor living equipment such as backpacks, lamps, and camping mugs. Use Comfy Camp Club’s name to make the three nested C’s, embracing the Lavender Tent logo, with a strategically placed die cut allows the use of the logo both on the front and inside with a single printing.

  • Frankenstein

    Created a non-traditional book cover emphasizing a human element with heart that showcases a different side of the nameless creation. Working within the limitations of not allowed access to any form of digital tools, the design consists of colored construction paper cutouts and handwritten text.

  • Red Rooster

    In design, one needs to approach all levels of demand. When assigned the task of designing a product label for a fictional hot sauce, I took a vastly different approach compared to my fellow Graphic Design peers. I feel it is important to remember that the mass market is indeed something that should be addressed. To this end, I looked into the simple yet striking and bold colored designs in large scale Asian markets. These brands have, as of late, experienced an upsurge in demand thanks to the expanded appetite for newer tastes of noodles, dumplings and other such dishes from Asia.

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